Spike Collection FW2014

Spike Collection FW2014
30 years of Norwegian jewellery design - 2014

torsdag 8. september 2011

A vist to our mountain cabin

Hi !

Do you want to see our little mountain cabin ?
The old picture on top is from the place where we have our cabin.
It was the old mountain farm, where my father grew up. On the picture is my grandmother sitting in the grass, and the picture must have been taken in the 1920-30s.

This is the place where we have built our little cottage. You could call it an "eco lodge".

Its a wonderful place, where time stands still, and we get in touch with ourselves. Its so pure and clean up there, that when we come up after a year, everything is still clean adn exacly like it was.

This is Stella.  Probably the cutest dog in the world !

Here in Norway we have a very strong tradition to love nature. We love beeing in nature, go for walks, pick berries, or even hunt if you have the land to do it etc. The men in my family always used to hunt for moose. But we dont now, since Franz is from Holland, and does not know this tratdition. Most of us feel very well by beeing in the nature. The quietness and the peace eases our mind.  It is really our culture.

But even if I live a very contrasting life; One weekend Im in Paris, next week Im in the mountains. The mountain part is very dear to me. On the other hand, I love the upbeat urban part too.

Last weekend I was supposed to be in Paris on the Pret a porte fair. I have been there the last 15 years, every year.  But this year I thought I did not have to go. I stayed home for a change.

So, what was possible then ? Right, to go to the mountain !!
And the weather ? Well, not ideal at all. It was in fact pissing with rain.

But does this stop Norwegians ? No no !

This is Stella. My daughters little dog.
She is the cutest little dog I know.
She loves people, she loves me.
I get kisses all over.

And she loves to come to the mountain of course, like all dogs.
to run around and play.

She is only 1,5 years old. Isnt she the cutest ?

This is how we get hot water. On a wooden stove with firewood.
The water we collect from a natural well. We have the cleanest purest and best ice cold mountain water coming straight up from the ground. Is so good to drink, its like champaign to me !

This is the view from the veranda. This day is really heavy with clouds.
Normally we can look straight at a majestic mountain called Gaustatoppen.

This is Franz on the veranda.

We use candles for light. Its really nice !
This is the interior of my cabin. You could call it an eco lodge. We have made everything so simple as possible, and to look like the old cabins from before. Its a wooden cabin, high up in the mountain. There is no electricity, no real road (at least not in winter) no running water.

On the walls I have some old painting that I got from my grandmother. This one with the fish is from 1948.  From the time when the main leisurtime activity of the family was to go to the mountain. They fished and picked berries to save for winter.

And this painter, who was a friend of the family, painted this big trout and a glass of beer. It was probably i big treat and the best they could get.

Im very fond of these painting. I like to keep the history of my familys culture. Its meaningfull to me. I m not just one of these superficial persons who only care about how things look. I like things to have meaning and story.

This great picture is in the toilet. Its an old needlepoint.   I think this is the perfect toilet picture.
I bought it at a jumble sale for €2,-

Stella is a real begger dog, she likes bacon too !
A good breakfast in the mountain is always eggs and bacon. And some good coffee.
We both love the quietness and the lack of stress. You get this incredible relaxed feeling. We can do with that, as our lives are pretty full of stress and a million things to do.

This is the cabin.  You should see it in winter.  Its an eldorado for cross country skiing.

Its nice to go for a walk.  We are there, almost all alone.  Only us and some wild animals.
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So that was a quick visit to our little mountain lodge on a rainy day in Spetember.

Jeg skriver forresten på engelsk, da det faktisk er flere utenlandske lesere enn norske.  Og de må jo tro vi Normenn er litt smårare, som reiser til små hytter i fjellet uten strøm.  Tja, jeg synes jo det er herlig da !

Love from Birgit

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